Attention…all Hydrographers!
So you want to get precise flow measurements right?
You love the great outdoors, own a pair of waterproof waders and you’re not opposed to getting wet wading in a stream. You’ll do just about anything for a reliable streamflow measurement.
Imagine a state of the art non-contact Discharge Radar that simultaneously measures both Velocity and Level and computes Discharge in real time, tucked away in a robust cabinet all snug with its own IP capable 3G/4G Data Logger reliably telemetering data to you as you sit in the comfort of your home or office on your laptop.
When I saw what this new “Compact” All in one Radar could do…I thought the ideal name for it was the “Onesie.”
Sadly, I was overruled.
Instead our team came up with the RQ-30 ADMS “All in One”.
Features and Benefits of the ADMS
• Ease of installation – one robust equipment cabinet
• Compact, self contained transmitting sensor/logger system
• Reduced site visits
• Diagnose and fix technical issues remotely
• Insert the SIM Card and mount the box…now you are ready to measure and receive data
“Real Time Measurement is the most valuable measurement of all”
-Peter Ward, Founder/CEO Hydrological Services America