Streamline Your Flow Measurements

Meet the ADMS “All in One” Autonomous Discharge Radar System Fully loaded Non-Contact Discharge Measurement Radar Sensor with integrated Data Logger and 3G/4G Celllular Telemetry. The RQ-30 ADMS delivers precision discharge measurement in multiple applications including rivers, streams, open channels… Continue Reading

Ready to Simplify Your Discharge Measurements?

Attention…all Hydrographers! So you want to get precise flow measurements right? You love the great outdoors, own a pair of waterproof waders and you’re not opposed to getting wet wading in a stream. You’ll do just about anything for a… Continue Reading

Stream Gauging Reimagined

Unmanned Remote Controlled Cableways are transforming the way we work and measure out in the field, providing unprecedented flexibility and safety. Recent innovations have provided significant advances allowing cableways to operate in varied terrains and solving challenging problems. Cable Fox ADCP… Continue Reading